patients perspective in healthcare

Patients Uncensored July 2016: Cancer Treatment Orientation Classes

Patients Uncensored July 2016:  Cancer Treatment Orientation Classes

Due to new federal regulations, hospitals are adopting new standards that reflect quality and patient centered care.  If you were facing a life-threatening illness such as cancer,  would you be interested in attending a cancer treatment orientation class at the hospital where you will receive treatment?  If so, what topics would you like to see discussed?

9 Responses to Patients Uncensored July 2016: Cancer Treatment Orientation Classes

  1. I think it’s a great idea. The hospital I went to during my treatment, Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois has exactly what you are talking about. Prior to starting my chemo treatment they had a class that I attended. They taught me about the drugs I’d be taking and the side effects, and how to stay ahead of the nausea. I think one of the most important things to include is a discussion about where your head is about having cancer and how you hold that story. A few resources that I liked were, “Radical Remission,” “Mind Over Medicine,” and “Life Like a Fruitfly”. Everyone needs hope!

  2. I’d like to see education about approved types of alternative health care as a compliment to traditional chemo and radiation. I had regular sessions with an acupuncturist, chiropractor, and Reiki which helped tremendously. My energy levels stayed up, and the nausea was kept at bay with minimal meds. Some cancer centers recommend where you can get these services, but if not, try a wellness center in your area.

  3. I would like some information on end of life directives. I want to have the opportunity to ask questions about it, and then take some time to think about it before I sign anything or not.

  4. Caregivers and families should be invited to attend. Some are responsible for our end of life wishes, and many are not familiar with the facts. If possible, caregivers should attend so that they can get over their denial. Just a thought, and obviously, a “hot button” issue.

  5. A class would be a great idea. It may even alleviate some of the anxiety and fear about having cancer.

  6. We need someone to talk to that knows what we’re going through. This needs to be ongoing. Also when our scans are no longer needed regularly, we feel like the net has been pulled out from under us. It’s scary not to be monitored as closely.

  7. I would like to hear more about the side effects of chemo and what to do about it when it occurs. If it’s on the weekend, you can’t reach anyone easily without going to the Emergency Room. It’s horrifying to wake up and find big blisters in your mouth or burns on your skin and to not to be forewarned that they might appear or what to do about it until your doctor comes back on Monday.