patients perspective in healthcare

About the Author

Linda Haller is a writer, author,  and Patient Safety Advocate.   After her adult son died in a Maryland Hospital due to a preventable error in communication that  led to a cascade of other failures resulting in his death, she joined forces with the Marylanders for Patient Rights Coalition  and testified before the Maryland House and Senate in favor of  a comprehensive Hospital Patient Bill of Rights. The Maryland Hospital Patient Bill of Rights contains twenty-four uniform patient rights that passed unanimously in the both the House and Senate and became law on October 1, 2019. In addition, Ms. Haller testified before the Maryland House and Senate on behalf of AIM for Melanoma in favor of  banning  tanning beds for minors which also became law in 2019.  In 2018, she partnered with the American Medical Association in Washington, D.C. and participated in their efforts to eliminate prior authorization requirements for patients with chronic illnesses. She received a Bachelor of Arts in English/Creative Writing from the University of Baltimore and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Goucher College.  She lives in Maryland with her husband and is currently working on her memoir, The Tiny Hands of Watches.